Sunday, February 20, 2011

Try Something New

What's that they say about a wise man and a foolish man? A foolish man uses the same method to get different results, while a wise man realizes that to get different results he must try something new. Those words of wisdom ring particularly true when figuring out how to teach/discipline/guide my toddler girl. She has personality and adventure bursting from her eyelashes. I'm not sure her little body can contain that much zest for life and exploration. But I am sure that big personality does not respond to traditional discipline, including time-outs, "no," lectures, looks of disappointment, taking privileges, etc. Attempts involving any of the above are met with a knowing (and admittedly charming) look of feigned innocence, complete with a tilted head, batting eyes, and a tender smile--a mix of "who me?" and "you bet it is!" all in one. Perhaps I have succumbed to her charm. Perhaps the fact that her playful personality reminds me of her mother, endearing her to me even more. Perhaps it is her doe eyes and true beauty. Perhaps it is my appreciation for her razor sharp wit and impeccable comedic timing. Certainly, it has to do with the fact that all previous attempts at discipline have failed. But, I've finally decided to try something new. It's not quite, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," but more of an, "if you can't beat 'em, appreciate them" approach. I haven't mastered it yet, but today it involved returning a knowing smile that communicates, "you may be clever, and I love you for it, but you're not fooling me, and you're not getting away with it," followed by wrestling, tickling, or otherwise showing affection with her until I've charmed her back into doing something more constructive. To be honest, I feel like it takes on a different form every time and every day with her, but the concept is the same--patience, appreciation, loving persuasion. It is a work in process, but it certainly makes disciplining this unconquerable and insatiable toddler much more fun. It tells her I love what is good about her, and guides her in a way she understands and without criticism to becoming even better. So far, she is 100% more responsive.

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