Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Subtleties of Hide-and-Seek

Working from home is great, where possible. The commute time is 15 seconds from my room to the family room. This gives us extra time to play before dinner. Tonight's game, hide-and-seek. Maybe it's their age, or that I haven't played this game with them as much as I should, but I've noticed some strategies employed by my two oldest that may make it hard for them to win this game when playing with their friends in the future:

-Saying, "I'll hide right here," after I say I'm going to count.
-Hiding where I just hid every single time it's their turn.
-Yelling, "You can't find us!" from their hiding place.
-Playing with nearby items in their hiding place, such as mommy's weights in the main floor bathroom.
-Yelling, "We're right here!" to help me out when I pretend I can't find them.

Obviously, we need to spend more time working on the subtleties of the game!

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