Saturday, February 12, 2011


Finally, the spark we've all been waiting for, some inkling of independent interest in a constructive use for all of that energy. This morning our two-year old picked out her own clothes: tights, a long blouse, and a sweater. Then she tip-toed in circles around the living room with her arms arched up over her head. She said, "Yook, rina!" She wants to be a ballerina. I would have signed her up that second if I could have. She dances around on her own now, even to classical music on the radio. Although I am excited about this interest of hers, she makes sure to remind us that she is still rough and tough. But, that's probably a good quality that she'll need when dealing with other ballerinas in the future. This revelation felt strangely like the day we noticed our son taking a keen interest in soccer. As a father, I didn't think life could get any better than cheering my son on in soccer matches, especially when, as a three-year old, he broke from the norm and decided he wanted to play goalie. I have a feeling being the father of a ballerina, especially this one, will be just as exciting.

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