With three kids, there is an excuse for everything. Can't work out because we're too tired--kids are not sleeping at night because of teething, bad dreams, colds, or most recently split thumbs from sucking too much--or don't have the money to join a gym. Can't eat healthy because it costs too much, takes too long to prepare, no time to plan. Can't train for a marathon because of my work schedule and our neighborhood is not safe to run alone (for my wife).
So, with no time or energy, what should my New Year's resolution be? I think that I think on too broad and general a scale. If I am going to make a keep goals, they need to be like rungs on a ladder leading to an ultimate goal. With three kids and my job, I'll just have to keep the rungs close together. I can't work out an hour each morning, but I bet I can do 30 minutes or at least 30 of something, etc. My wife and I have been talking about this for a while, and almost all day today. We decided after a while to focus on just January, just one thing a week, with a reward at the end. We'll see if we can be among the few, the proud, the keepers of New Year's resolutions.
*As I side note, one recent goal that is a high priority in my life is posting daily to this blog for at least the first year of my career. So far I have kept that goal for almost five months--128 days. My hope is that this will help me establish a habit of introspection about fulfilling my role as a father above that of an attorney. This is not a New Year's resolution, if measured by the calendar, but it is a new year's resolution when measured by my start date as an attorney.
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