Monday, December 6, 2010


A somewhat troubling tendency has manifest itself in our children. Every night they go deaf, then go crazy when we try to get them to cooperate for dinner and bedtime. My wife, ever my teacher in the area of reality, again opened my eyes to a simple truth. To our kids, the evening is a time of excitement and anticipation because they are looking forward to having me come home and play with them. I always thought I was doing well by giving them kisses and hugs first thing when I walked in the door. Then my wife reminded me that we typically go straight into setting the table and having dinner, followed by bedtime prep. The evening may pass without any wrestling at all, if not just before bed. And by the time we sit down for dinner, all of the unfulfilled anticipation and excitement that begins building up as it nears time for me to come home becomes too much for them to contain and they transform into miniature hulks that growl and destroy. My wife and I decided to adjust the dinner schedule or preparation to ensure that when I get home I can wrestle first.

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