Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Baby Is Gone

Why is it that as my son learns, matures, and becomes more self-sufficient I worry more about him? There is no reason to think he is unhappy or getting into trouble--he's a very mature three-year old. Perhaps his maturity is the reason. For the past three years he's been dependent upon us for so much. The benefit to that was immediate feedback. In other words, I knew everything he needed or thought because he immediately communicated it through crying, laughing, excitement, anger, etc. Today the realization hit me that he is no longer a baby. Now he has more self-control. His natural thoughtfulness has also developed to the point that he internalizes a lot of what he feels now. It's good for him to learn to shoulder his challenges himself to some degree. But, I think I miss how much he needed me to help him do it before. I no longer know everything he is thinking or feeling. I just ask and listen and hope that he feels comfortable telling me everything he needs to. I didn't think these kinds of worries would hit me as my son gets ready to turn four. I thought this was something that started in the teenage years.

1 comment:

Heidi Miller said...

thanks for making me cry Joseph. Jerk. :)