Sunday, November 7, 2010

Karma of Nonsense

Our little girl was getting restless and loud at church. By then my wife and I has already tried everything we could think of. Perhaps desperation is the key to ingenuity because for some unknown reason I decided to take a closed marker and gently hold it to her nose, then to my nose, then to her cheek, then to my cheek, etc. She was fascinated, took the marker from me, and repeated what I had just done. Miraculously, this was enough to get us calmly through church. Then, after dinner my wife offered her some ice cream. As my wife was getting our little girl's ice cream ready our little girl said, "Oz cweam, Daddy?" meaning, "Can we make Daddy some ice cream too?" A minute later, she came out of the kitchen carrying two ice cream cones, and with a big smile on her face, she handed me one of them. As I licked the ice cream, she looked up at me with her big brown eyes and asked, "Nummy Daddy?" I'm not sure why she took such good care of me tonight. It may have been coming up with that nonsense game at church or other similar nonsense throughout the rest of the day.

By the way, our son had excellent manners at dinner tonight. Maybe it was something similar to what happened with my little girl. I did make him some cardboard armor after all, including a shield and a sword. Then again, I think this was the other meal my wife makes that he likes.

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