Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Big Girl, Big Slime

Our baby girl decided she is done with baby food. She will not touch it, and now I will not touch her--at least while she is eating. The reason is simple, although she won't eat baby mush anymore, she turns the normal food we give her (bananas, sweet potatoes, pancakes, bread, eggs, etc.) into mush anyway. It's not just that. With the baby food, she used to let us feed her with a spoon. Now she insists on using her hands and gets the mush all over her. She is covered in slime by the end of dinner, and we can only hope that some of it got into her mouth. I'm guessing it does because she seems happy after dinner. One thing I can guarantee about the slime, however, is that she gets it all over the parent assigned to clean her up after dinner, because he does not have to clean up kids throughout the day--the corporate dad.

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