Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Different But Consistent

It's no wonder my little girl is already learning to count to ten--she's in timeout half the time I'm home. My wife and I used to get really frustrated that she would often say "okay" when we asked her to stop doing something then immediately try to do it again. Now we often we think it's funny because she goes so peacefully to timeouts. Repeating something to her has absolutely no effect on her, but she seems to get it when we sit her in timeout and count to ten. So, we keep doing it--no drama. Our son, on the other hand, learns nothing from timeouts but gets it when we talk about it (as long as its brief). How are we supported to be consistent with two kids who are polar opposites? I'm not sure, but I try to make sure that my daughter sees when I talk to my son and that my son sees when I put my daughter in timeout. If they ask, I hope they'll understand the only possible explanation I could give--you two learn differently.

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