Saturday, May 21, 2011

When Daddy's in Charge

Mommy got a day off for Mother's Day, and she used it today. She loved every minute of it, and deserved every minute of it too. Being in charge of the kids, I quickly realized that I am not as astute in managing the household as my wife. So, I add some fatherly improvisation, meaning ice cream. Yes, the children remain as happy as if Mommy were at home with them.

In the evening, Daddy had to really be in charge, meaning charging, to the rescue. At a BBQ this evening, everything suddenly went quiet except for my wife's voice ringing out, "Run. Our daughter is going to go potty in the grass." I dropped my plate and ran, and as I did, the scene passed by in slow motion. I wondered whether I would make it in time. Just before she got her pants down, I made it and took her to the indoor potty. Her explanation, "I want to go potty like the doggies on the grass."

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