Monday, May 16, 2011

Unexpected Cure

My wife and I have been hit by a serious case of apathy. We are in a holding pattern as far as preparing for our move at the end of the summer. We've also been preoccupied by the minutae of life, including our monthly budget and how to manage the kids at church in a way that somehow maintains some semblance of reverance and yet frees us up enough to enjoy it. We disagree on some points regarding both these issues. I'm sure you can guess that I am the more draconian of the two of us. Either way, we lost much of our desire for anything, including playing with the kids, keeping our goals, and even working as hard at work. We've still done all those things, but only half-heartedly. We talked about it tonight quite a bit before going to bed and decided to pray for the desire to return. Shortly thereafter, our baby woke up crying. We weren't too bothered by it, although we had just started falling asleep. We put her back to bed and laid back down. Then she started crying again. This was a little annoying. My wife went to get her some medicine because she is teething. Next thing I knew, our little girl was sitting on our bed by me, playing with the contents of the medicine basket. She got her medicine, but we couldn't put her back to bed. We just watched her for about thirty minutes. Something about her captured our complete attention. She was pure, innocent, and angelic. Her presence seemed to open our eyes to what was really important, to raise our vision from the minutae to the eternal. We commented back and forth about all of these as we just watched her and talked to her. We only put her back to bed because we had to. She fought going back to bed tooth and nail, but her presence had already provided the cure we needed. We fell asleep and woke up this morning happy and motivated. Our desire was back. The cure, as is often the case with answers to prayer, was unexpected.

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