Saturday, March 26, 2011

Trip to AZ Day 1: Redeye Flight

After getting to work late so that I could spend some extra time with the kids, I worked a full day, then rushed off to the train, then to another train, then to a shuttle bus, to get to the airport. As I arrived, clouds circled the skies, releasing lighting galore. The result was a three-hour delay on my flight. I wasn't going to get to my hotel in AZ until 3 am. I was already missing my family--I never enjoy being away from them for any period longer than a workday--and now I spent the entire evening and night thinking about how nice it would be to be in bed with my wife and how peacefully my kids were sleeping in their beds while I was struggling to sleep in my airplane seat. They say that you really appreciate something when you're separated from it, but I would add that you appreciate it even more when the separation results in extreme discomfort.

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