Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dinner Conversation

A close friend told me of a sign that used to hang in their dining room that said, "Sit long, talk much, laugh often." That is how she grew up, and it has shaped her personality. Whenever we had dinner with them, that's what we did. Since then, that is also something I've looked forward to doing with my family. Tonight, we got it. Yes, a four-year old, a two-year old, and a one-year old (kind of) were conversing about what judges do, why we call people Judge or Mr. or Mrs., etc., what our son did at school, what our super hero names would be, or we were just goofing off and making faces to try and get the kids to laugh. I've heard of a study concluding that the greatest contributor to the emotional development in children is having family dinner. I'm sure that is true. If tonight is any indication, I'm certain that we can only become closer as a family and better friends and that our time together sitting, talking, and laughing will build our children's confidence in themselves and in their ability to interact with others.

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