Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Stay Calm!

Of the things that could make me go crazy, I think I would rank putting the kids to bed by myself on bath nights as number one. First, bath: three kids, screaming, splashing, resisting, drinking the bath water, clambering for toys, taking toys from each other, bending over, kneeling on the tile floor, etc. Second, bedtime: dressing the kids, keeping the kids together, being ignored during scriptures and prayer, keeping the baby from crawling off the bed, monitoring wrestling, putting one child to bed at a time while worrying about what the others are up to, the after bed time clean-up by myself, etc. I'm happy to report my sanity. All went well tonight. The key was the constant repetition in my mind of a simple phrase, "Stay Calm!" Now, if I could only get that twitch to go away!

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