Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Early To Bed, Early To Rise . . .

. . . makes a father groggy and grumpy, with a glaze in his eyes.  Our baby girl is by far the worst sleeper yet.  As noble as I've tried to be by getting up at 4 am to feed the baby and put her back to bed, I was grateful when my wife told me this morning that she's going to get up with the baby from now on because, "the baby doesn't like it when you put her to sleep.  She won't go to sleep for you."   It's a good thing that my wife took over because I would get up to feed the baby and bump into walls along the way.  I've heard people in the medical profession say, "sleep is over-rated."  That may be true physiologically, but it still takes several hours on mornings like this to convince my body of that.  

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