Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Small Things

Today seemed full of small things that remind me how much fun it is to be a father:

1. My son peering into my mouth while the dentist cleans my teeth. He was even allowed to use the air sucker to clean out the rinsing water. He loved every second of it, and I loved watching the look of fascination in his face. The hygienist commented, "You must really trust him. That could go up your nose." I couldn't say anything, because her hands were in my mouth, but I thought, "He's earned it." I told him so later.

2. Playing in the mini pool in the backyard with all three of my kids. No matter how reluctant I am to do it, I always feel happy and energetic afterwards. I also feel closer to my kids. My wife even commented, "Wow, you're in a really good mood."

3. Wrestling with the kids before bed. I am not reluctant to do this, but it still has the same result. We are all happier and feel closer. Interestingly, the dental hygienist commented that wrestling with Dad has been shown to stimulate the intellectual development of children. No wonder they're so smart.

4. Reading to them in bed. I especially love my son's questions, my daughter's requests for one last book right after I read the last one last book she requested, and my baby girl backing into my lap to start reading and later sitting right back down on my lap when I stand her up to get everyone ready for bed as if to say, "Hey, I'm not done yet."

It truly is fun to be a father.

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