Saturday, June 18, 2011

Recovery and Noticing Everything

First, recovering from vacation isn't pretty. Our baby girl was unpleasant most of the day. She woke up angry and we finally put her back to bed. We let her sleep as long as she wanted. She woke up happy and playful, but that lasted only about an hour. We put her back to bed and she slept until about an hour before dinner. Finally, she was happy for most of the evening. I hope she has recovered.

Second, our son notices everything. He wanted to ride with a relative to the beach the other day, and the driver joked about playing a bad song on the radio. My son later asked her what the song was by the title. Then tonight he noticed no less than four legitimate mistakes in the snake book I read to him. I think I'm going to write to the editor. The scary part is wondering what they notice us doing. Just at nap time, I overheard my two-year old scolding her doll for not listening.

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