Friday, June 17, 2011

Desperate Clinging

We've been through this with the older two, so we knew it was coming. We should have known it would also come shortly after our family reunion, when internal clocks get messed up and babies get left with sitters at night when we go out. With each attempt to lay her down, she suddenly clung desperately to my shoulders with her hands and to my waist with her legs and would start to scream. My first instinct was to calm her and comfort her, but after the third attempt or so I had to force myself to lay her down and let her scream--I mean really scream. It was hard, but I knew that rocking her to sleep would only prolong this issue, and that the sooner I left the sooner she would calm herself and go to sleep. Hopefully, she can transition out of this phase the way the other kids did.

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