Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursdays of Infancy

Since my life revolves around the workweek, I thought I would express my feelings of late about being a father in terms of my workweek.

Sunday (0-1-years old): Just as Sunday is a day of rest and worship, a newborn baby, as much work as it may seem, is somewhat restful compared to later ages. Babies are lighter to carry, somewhat predictable in their schedules and needs, and often snuggly. They cannot yet talk back, and their manipulation skills are still in their own infancy. They may try to wander off a bit, but they are not very fast and they don't get far. Children currently in this category = 0.

Monday (1-2-years old): This is my chance to hit the ground running. My motivation is at its peak. I am well-rested and energetic. I am a fan of good starts. Similarly, a baby at this stage is just beginning to develop her personality, sounds, crawling, and walking. This is an exciting time, and I'm anxious to get off to a good start. Though they are more mobile and better able to manipulate or disagree with you, Monday babies still retain the glow of innocence they brought with them on Sunday. During this stage, I feel a "can-do" attitude. Children currently in this category = 1.

Tuesday (2-3-years old): Just as the excitement of a good Monday wears off as Tuesday progresses, my sympathy and patience begins to wear off as a child moves from two to three. They are fast and furious. What keeps them alive is that they still retain some of the cuteness of babyhood. I can't say innocence, because much of that innocence is feigned when it comes to getting what they want out of us. Yet, they wear their emotions on their sleeves and are obviously still innocent in that they sincerely need us still. Just as Tuesday get busier than Monday, twos get busier than ones. Exploring and experimenting with everything they are supposed to, and everything they are not supposed to. Throughout a Tuesday, I'm really starting to feel the weight of the week, especially during potty training. During the twos, I start to feel similar weight. Children currently in this category = 1.

Wednesday (3-4-years old): It is the middle of the week. I just want to get over this hump. I know that if I can, I can make it through parenthood. If twos are fast and furious, threes are fast and furious times five. More exploring, faster pace, still short attention spans, faster legs, better talking and understanding, more questions, more help to do more things, more picky with food, more disagreements because they can, etc., etc., etc. Threes is a whirlwind, but you tell yourself that when it is over you will be more than halfway through the week. You tell yourself, "just a little bit more." Children currently in this category = 0.

Thursday (4-5-years old): I call it weekend eve. The weight begins to fall off your shoulders as you anticipate that days get better from here on out--the weekend, relaxation, quality time, activities, independence, etc. This seems to be where our babies turn into big kids, and parents anticipate better days to come, greater independence, quality time, relaxation, all of the above. Attention spans grow, self-control develops, independence blossoms into responsibility. I can assign a few chores, enjoy him dressing himself, making his own bed, setting the table, feeding his own fish, cleaning his own messes, brushing his own teeth, saying his own prayers, etc. We can do more activities together, including soccer. He attends school. He communicates well. He uses manners. He is beginning to read and to create instead of merely destroying to making messes. He begins to understand finances (allowance, tithing, spending less than you make, etc.). In short, he is no longer a baby, but a big boy. The only sad part about it is that you are not needed as much. Feelings are guarded, even new feelings you really want to guide him through, like a little crush, insecurity, dealing with bullies, minding manners even when other kids don't, etc. He is really beginning to grow into himself as a child. He is also a sponge, and sparks a great deal of intelligent conversation. Oh, how we are excited for all kids to reach Thursday. And, they hardly need carrying. Children in currently in this category = 1.

After that, the weekend. New challenges arise, but they are much more intellectual and emotional, rather than almost strictly physical and emotional. Monday through Wednesday are exhausting, while Thursday seems to bring new hope and vigor. I have to admit that there are days, like today, when I think, "If I can just get the two youngest over than hump to age four, I'm sure I can do anything."

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