Friday, October 15, 2010

Picking Up a Cheerio

After a typical day at work, I came home and sat down to family dinner. Our baby was beginning to fuss, so my wife handed me some Cheerios and suggested that the baby might be ready to pick them up with her fingers. For most of dinner she pushed them, pulled them, smacked them, and flung them, but did not appear to have the motor skills to pick them up between her fingers. Then, to our surprise, she did it. She could not get it to her mouth, but she finally picked it up. Such a little thing, but it excited us, because it was a big sign of her growth and development.

Picking up that Cheerio affected the rest of my night as well. I began to notice little things with each of my kids that told me they were growing. My son asked, "May I be excused?" at dinner. He also buttoned his own shirt buttons. I also caught him helping our little girl up and teaching her how to dust herself off when she fell outside. Our little girl told us she needed to go potty and sat on it by herself (though she remained in her diaper and fully clothed). She is also beginning to use small sentences like, "Pease see da moon?" And, in addition to picking up her Cheerio, our baby sat up on her own for a few minutes.

My wife's question to my son when tucking him in tonight sums up my feelings about all of this. She asked him, "Can you please, please stop growing?"

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