Monday, August 30, 2010

Basic Math for Dad

Math is not my forte, especially on workdays. My wife reminded me of the following equation after a typical evening of dinner messes, delays, messy baths, more delays, emotional outbursts (which can get messy with snot and tears), even more delays, and mutiny at bedtime (more snot and tears):

24 hours a day
-11 hours that kids are asleep
-8 hours of work
-2 hours of commuting
=3 hours with the kids (really a luxury at this point)

Sometimes I want to manage life at home like I do life at the office, stressing about having everything in its proper place. But if I make home another office, I'll feel the same at home as I do at work--stressed. I forget that at home there is no time card or billable hour keeping me from sitting back and enjoying the precious little time I have with the kids, even if it is all craziness.

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