Monday, February 20, 2012

Question 7: How Does Daddy Treat Mommy?

Kids really notice everything. Just ask my wife who used to teach 4-5-year old kids in Sunday School. She learned a lot more than she wanted to about what goes on at home and how mommies and daddies get along.

This one is another "daddy check," meaning that I'm making sure I'm not messing things up too badly. I'm happy to hear that the kids see only positive things so far. I definitely want to keep that going.

I think with the next round of interviews (around question 14 or so) I will have my wife interview just to be sure the kids aren't answering the way they think I want them too.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Question 6: Has Daddy Ever Done Anything That Scared You?

This was just to make sure I wasn't too bad of a father. I'm happy to report that I haven't done anything scary enough to remember. I am a little worried about the face R mentioned that is scary. It may be the same face A mentioned in one of the previous videos: my "serious face." We actually played a guessing game with the kids the other night where they acted out different animals and we had to guess what they were. Well, my son started opening his eyes really wide and making a face that looked pretty serious and a little scary. Then I realized the animal he was acting out was me. He was doing my "serious face." It was pretty hilarious. It also makes me keenly aware of the faces I make at my kids.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Question 5: What does Daddy say when you ask him to play?

Well, I think all the kids were right. Sometimes I huff and puff because I'm tired or have other things I need to or want to do at the moment. Sometimes I come up with fun ideas and suggestions. The answer that worries me a little is "That's a hard question." It sounds like "I don't want to say because it might hurt Daddy's feelings."

This was a very insightful interview.